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Here Is Why I Can Help..

When you understand the nature of the flow of energy that influences your life and you take a stand to influence it to your standards, you are enabled and liberated into life at full potential!


Most importantly, you feel a deep sense of vitality and joy, living in the flow of life where serendipity and good luck reside and having-it-all becomes a fabulous reality.

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A Story

In 2004 I was invited to Banda Aceh to help establish a trauma assistance initiative for the Tsunami ravaged zone. The situation was dire, and loss was horrific but the incredible change I saw happen in the course of the weeks I was there was nothing short of miraculous. The women were the first to take action. They made simple shanties and took to sweeping them out each morning with branches. When I visited, they would offer a seat, more often than not a found item that provided seating, and they would ask how I was, even though they might have lost twelve family members including children. Then, with this very simple action, the men, reassured by the normality of the situation began to physically rebuild the city, no longer distressed by the agony of powerlessness over the emotions raging all around and a new town began to emerge.


On my way back to Australia I decided to focus my attention on helping driven people wanting it all and willing to reach for more, handle that one thing that might be holding them back; as I knew then, that when individuals proudly focus on life and live on-purpose, their positivity inspires action and reach, which in turn supports world happiness.


My decision threw me into action; I researched indigenous cultures, attended a sacred women's retreat with Min Mia (Koori elder, spiritual healer, educator and custodian of Traditional Law of the Wiradjiri people) and studied ancient lore, rituals, energy flow technologies and scientifically presented modalities for emotional and soul health.


Classical music, education, biological and human sciences, earth studies, psychotherapy, NLP, timeline therapy, relationship and couples counselling, family constellation therapy, literacy development, mediation and conciliation protocols, business organizational development, life coaching, performance coaching, small business management and positive psychology coaching, psychic skills development, tarot reading, a year and a Day in magic and beyond, red tent ceremony and leadership, moon cycles, abundance through moon studies, secret women's business., core gift facilitation, and thirty years of practice and study of the nature of energy flow and the 'human state'.​

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